my name translates to the one who
tends to the weak and heals them. asiya.
as an american muslim woman of color,
i grew up having to prove my worth.
fighting bigotry in almost every part of my life.
crafting my traumatic wounds into creations of art to use my voice
and empower those that think theirs is of unimportance.
i was born my own healer.
i have this want of helping people realize the power in their voice
of empathizing through my understanding of their needs.
i’ve realized that purpose in being a graphic designer, a poet,
an activist, and a student.
i was born to show you that
you are your own healer.
to support you in your storytelling,
and narrate when it hurts too much.
my last name translates to the most praised. ahmed.
it's been said those with this name are powerful to all whose lives they touch.
i can't attest to that, yet i do know one thing -
i am asiya ahmed
arabic translation: the most praised healer
but just call me asiya.